Forging the Physique
Friday, October 15, 2004
Restraint next time
Part of dieting is watching what you eat in uncontrollable situs. Last night was a case in point: when the proprietor of the comic store offered pizza , I should have taken only one piece instead of four slices.

Sigh. Back to the gym. And lots more fluids.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Brain dead.
I decided to hit the gym after work. I did put in all that effort this afternoon to pick up my bag and contacts after all.

I get to the gym. I spend several minutes finding parking. I then look in the backseats and see...nothing.

Oh, no. I rummaged around the piles back there. Nothing. I get out of the car and check the trunk in the offbeat chance I actually put it there and forgot about it. Nothing.


So I go and eat after picking up my comic books. I find the bag later that evening where I had left it: in the laundry room.

I so need to get more sleep.

Should I or should I not? Or exercise versus sleep
Debating if I want to attend the combined cardio/sculpting class tonight. I find it hard to attend it since Wednesdays are R.'s half days and we like to spend the evening together. I do enjoy the class, though.

And I did hit the gym for cardio last night. I don't like to attend two cardio classes two days in a row due to knee considerations. Yet I did stop by home during lunch to pick up my gym bag and contacts.

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions...

My drug of choice
I so did not want to hit the gym yesterday evening. I wanted, after arriving home, to eat, fall asleep, watch television after I woke up, and surf the Internet until my spouse came home.

So of course I went to the gym. I had no excuse: the gym bag had been packed, I had plenty of time to get to the gym, and I really do enjoy the work out.


I read in a fitness mag a long time ago (before 2000) an article where the writer--a personal trainer, of course--stated one should select exercises one enjoys before branching out. This is especially true when starting a new program. This reduces the chances of "slipping": of stopping one's workout routine. (Which apparently occurs between 1-3 months after starting the program.)

I chose step aerobics as my exercise of choice when I started hitting the gym hardcore back in 2001. I enjoyed the routines and, especially, the music. While I can't dance worth diddlely-squat (no comments from the peanut gallery, y'all), I have enough rhythm and lack of embarrassment to keep up with the instructor. (Usually. Unless they're teaching true dance. Then it's either the pool or the elliptical trainer with a mental note to drop that class.)

Music thrills me, hitting my emotions in an almost sexual manner. I'm amazed more guys don't take the class for that reason alone. The rational side of the brain drops as my senses focus on the instructor's calls. The body--especially breathing, the arms, and the legs--respond to the beats. Nature loves routine and repetition and designed humans the same way. And all this provokes that sweet rush of andrenaline which dulls old and constant aches and heightens one's senses. No wonder one can't sleep for a while after a good workout.

What a rush!

Image found on the Internet and all rights belong to its owner.

Monday, October 11, 2004
Another sign.
I'm having difficulty writing this post. The three middle fingers of my left hand are very stiff; I find I cannot straighten or close them without difficulty. I've encountered this condition in the past and know it will soon fade.

Typing--specifically, quickly--has been affected. Also, I had planned to do weights this afternoon during my lunch hour but definitely have to cancel that plan. One does not do bench press when you can't get a solid grip on the bar. Argh. I may do some cardio even though I had not originally planned to do so.

The condition is definitely nerve-based. I've taken Celebrex(tm) to reduce the swelling around whatever nerves are getting "pinched". R. recommends I see my primary physician since I've been experiencing similar problems with my hands and joints elsewhere. I promised that I would since I also have to refill my meds to deal with my acne.

Sigh. Another sign of getting older.

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