Forging the Physique
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
***Lookin' good***
I hit the gym yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. Not only did I do cardio, but some (limited) weight training as well. Back to back. Ugh. Haven't done that in a while and my body let me know that. I can't believe my upper body is so weak. Bench press, here I come!

Despite the lack of air-conditioning in the classroom (which should be fixed by next week. Here's hoping), I realized I was infected with a bit of narcissism (sp?) while moving, spinning, flipping, and turning through the routine. I work out in front of a large mirror: I could readily see my sweaty body reacting to the effort. And I used to be much bigger and defined.

I want the latter back and there's nothing motivating of seeing (or being teased) of what one used to be. And I'm willing to work to get it back and then some.

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